
Can CrossFit treat chronic illness?

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A 1,200-person UK study indicated that CrossFit benefited many with chronic pain. Over half of CrossFitters who took opioids for arthritis or back pain, lowered their dosage. Due to their strength and fitness, several postponed or cancelled joint or muscle procedures.

Despite its reputation as a sport for the fit, CrossFit is worth trying. CrossFit believes that elite athletes and beginners need different intensity, not type, so it offers scalable workouts for all ages and abilities. CrossFit improves functional fitness, muscle strength, and cardiovascular health by mixing strength and aerobic exercise.

Still not convinced? Our recent study reveals CrossFit’s physical health advantages may even minimize the need for prescription medicines in adults with long-term problems. This may give an alternative to medication-based treatment for a variety of health disorders and reduce healthcare demand.

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The study

We recruited 1,211 UK CrossFitters for our study.

Participants ranged in age from 19 to 67, although most were 30-39 (38%), or 40-49 (26%). We asked about health, prescription medicines, and changes since joining CrossFit.

For health reasons, 280 of 1,211 participants took prescription drugs before starting CrossFit. Anxiety, depression, asthma, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and chronic pain were frequent.

After starting CrossFit, 54% of individuals who took prescription drugs decreased their dosage. Of the 151 people surveyed, 69 stopped taking their medicine, while 82 lowered their dosage by more than half. Improvements occurred mostly in the first six months of training.

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